Hot tub maintenance for the most part is fairly easy - if properly sanitized, the hot tub will essentially keep itself clean. We do recommend that twice per year, you drain and clean your hot tub to ensure proper water balance, and overall working order of your hot tub. Generally, the start of the spring season and the fall season are great times to perform this maintenance, as these tend to be the times of year that you will most likely utlize the hot tub the most. Another good time to do a drain and clean is after a large bather load / party. These types of events tend to cause cloudy hot tub water, and a drain and clean can be the most efficient way to get your water back in line.
We have attached a short video below demonstrating the steps our service technicians take on drain and clean hot tub calls they perform - this is definitely something you can do on a weekend if you prefer the DIY route. A bullet point list is also included for a quick reference guide.
- Turn off hot tub at the breaker
- Drain the hot tub either using the drain spout or siphon the water out with a hose
- Wipe down all surfaces of the hot tub with a non-abrasive cleaner and soft rag - we use a product called Clear & Perfect
- Remove the filter cartridge and clean with a high pressure hose nozzle, acid wash, or replace the filter if necessary
- Rinse surface of the hot tub to remove any residue from the cleaner and drain this water from the hot tub
- Refill the hot tub - note that if you refill the hot tub through the skimmer, it will aid in avoiding air lock on your pump
- Reset breaker and turn hot tub back on
- Turn all pumps on and test all diverter valves - allow pumps to run for several minutes
- If your pump became air locked during the process, turn pump on high and allow to run for 5 minutes, then turn off - repeat this 3-4 times
- Test your water and adjust chemicals accordingly - this is a great time to replace all Frog cartridges if applicable
- Wipe down the hot tub cover with a leather/vinyl protectant to help protect your cover from weather exposure - we recommend 303 Aerospace Protectant - it is available in wipes or spray
- Enjoy!