3 Ways to Get More Out of Your Hot Tub

Hot Tub April 04, 2016

Your hot tub is a versatile place, perfect for creating an oasis of backyard enjoyment. We love a good soak, but there are many ways to get even more use out of your hot tub. Here are a few of our suggestions:

Water Aerobics

elderly woman with a floaty in the pool

By combining the relaxing effect of hot water with light exercise, many find their hot tub to be a great place for getting in a regular workout without making a trip to the gym. Warm water can help to decrease inflammation in your joints, loosen muscles and relieve gravitational affects that may typically limit your range of motion.  According to Arthritis Today, “A variety of studies of patients with (arthritis and fibromyalgia) found that when they took part in warm water exercise programs two or three times a week, their pain decreased as much as 40 percent and their physical function increased.”

Our Country Leisure Hot Tub Aerobics Routine is a great start to getting you active in your tub. It is important to make sure you drink plenty of water before a hot tub workout and ensure that your tub is no hotter than 102 degrees. If at any time you feel dizzy or overheated, stop your workout immediately, go inside and re-hydrate.


Hot Tub Yoga

man meditating in the water

Another great way to stay healthy while enjoying your hot tub is through yoga. As mentioned before, your hot tub can be the perfect place to feel more limber and practice poses you might not be able to perform with the full effects of gravity. Swim University has produced an excellent Hot Tub Yoga Infographic with several poses to get you started. Want to go even further? Get your own copy of the Hot Tub Yoga Book. This book is waterproof and uses a flip chart format so you can stand it on the edge of your hot tub and flip through to work on mirroring poses in the book.


Hot Tub Games

Your hot tub is likely to be a prime destination for all of your friends. When you’re all alone, there’s nothing quite like a silent soak. But when you have guests, you may want to propose something a little more entertaining. Playing games in your hot tub can be the perfect way to make a night at your house one to remember. Have kids? Kids love games and there’s nothing quite like a bit of family competition. Try a few of these to get you started, adapt games you already play or make up a new game of your own!

Sinking Ship

Similar to the old classic “Don’t Break the Ice,” this game features players going around in a circle trying to avoid a particular outcome. Start by taking a plastic cup or an empty can and filling it with a little water so it floats steadily in the middle of your hot tub. Take another cup full of water and take turns filling the center cup with water. Fill a little to play safe. Fill a lot to sabotage another player. But remember, what goes around comes around! Fill it too much and you may find yourself in a compromising position to be the one who sinks the cup if it becomes your turn again.

Land Mine

Scramble to avoid touching floating objects. Grab small items that float like rubber duckies, ping pong balls or empty cans. Turn the jets off so everything doesn’t migrate to the middle. Start with 5 items in the water. You can splash water to move items towards your opponents but both feet must stay in the tub. If you touch an item, get out, toss a couple more items in the water to make things harder for the remaining players and stand shamefully in the cold. There can only be one highlander so play till a lone victor remains.

I Went to the Market

This memory game can be played without props making it perfect for playing in a hot tub. The first person starts by saying “I went to the market and bought a ____.” The next person repeats the first item and adds one of their own. Continue around until someone forgets an item. Earn some style points for building a crazy imaginary basket. Picture the cashier’s face as you check out with a basket of “fish food, a basketball, 7 cans of silly string, pickled okra, a rotary phone, a pink hammer, 2 margarita machines and a package of paperclips.”

Waterproof Versions of Games

deck of cards with an ace on the top

Check out Uno H2O, or pick up a standard pack of waterproof cards. We really like these glow-in-the-dark waterproof playing cards for playing at night in your tub. An upside-down Frisbee makes for a great floating surface to play on. Want to take your hot tub gaming to the next level? Take a look at this magnetic, floating game board. It is made for chess, checkers and backgammon but also works great as a floating surface for card games.


Now Go Enjoy!

Hopefully this guide has helped you view your hot tub in a whole new light. Whether you use your tub to relax, exercise, or entertain family and friends, it should be a treat to enjoy. Try some of these suggestions and let us know what you think!


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